• Dirigido por: Ziyad S. Haidar (Cirujano Dentista, Certificación en Implantología, especialista en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial – MSc, MBA in Health Organizations Management, PhD en nanoBiomateriales and Drug Delivery), Profesor Investigador y Director Científico, Facultad de Odontología, UANDES – Profesor del Programa (BioMEdicine), Facultad de Medicina, UANDES – Fundador y Director de BioMAT’X.
  • Asistente de Investigación: Mauricio Cabaña, Carolina González y Juan Pablo Peñaloza.
  • Estudiante de Postgrado (PhD BioMedicine): Alejandra Fernández (Cirujano Dentista, MSc Oral Pathology).
  • Estudiante de Postgrado (MSc Oral Pathology): Patricia Reivan.
  • Estudiante de Pregrado (DDS): Madeleine Urrejola Toledo, Daniela Cavagnola, Franco Olave Bay, Jorge Briceño.

Dirigido por el Dr. Ziyad S. Haidar, BioMAT’X es un laboratorio multidisciplinario de investigación clínica aplicada y ciencia básica, centrado en el diseño, desarrollo, formulación, caracterización, optimización, evaluación y rápido traslado del laboratorio a la práctica (Go-to-Market: Bench-top to Bed-/Chair-side ‘clinical’) de nuevos nano-biomateriales y sistemas nanométricos; principalmente para controlar la liberación y localización de agentes farmacéutico/terapéuticos y la ingeniería de tejidos en el complejo cráneo-maxilofacial. 

El laboratorio se dedica principalmente al estudio de vías de señalización implicadas en la osteogénesis (defectos pequeños vs. grandes defectos, reparación ósea fisiológica vs. reparación mecánica inducida de huesos, intra-oral versus extra-oral versus ortopédica) y radioprotección de glándulas salivales (pre y post irradiación), y cómo este fundamento científico puede alterar o impactar el diseño, formulación, caracterización, optimización y personalización de nano-biomateriales, para su aplicación en reparación acelerada y medicina regenerativa, entre otros.

Paralelamente, BioMAT’X tiene un brazo especial enfocado en la introducción de nuevos dispositivos médicos y dentales para ayudar tanto al clínico como al paciente. En los últimos años, BioMAT’X ha generado con éxito una amplia cartera de productos atractivos teniendo en cuenta el consumidor final y la entrada en el mercado global.

El laboratorio tiene fuertes vínculos y participación de clínicos especializados en medicina y odontología, así como investigadores y estudiantes. Además, BioMAT’X tiene colaboraciones oficiales en curso con institutos investigadores en Salt Lake City, UT, EE.UU; Montreal, QC, Canadá; Toronto, ON, Canadá; London, Inglaterra; Estrasburgo, Francia; São Paulo, Brazil; Beirut, Líbano; Seúl, Corea del Sur; y Sendai, Japón; apertura de puertas y acceso a equipos avanzados, infraestructura e instalaciones, así como programas de intercambio de estudiantes.

El equipo de BioMAT’X aspira a crecer a través de la incorporación de estudiantes motivados, dedicados y jóvenes científicos, especialmente aquellos con una visión para la investigación traslacional y la innovación.


1. Haidar ZS, Hamdy RC, Tabrizian M, Protein release kinetics for core-shell hybrid nanoparticles based on the layer-by-layer assembly of alginate and chitosan on liposomes, Biomaterials, 29, 9, ISSN: 0142-9612, 2008, 1207-1215, ISI, Publicada.

2. Georg Sydow-Plum, Ziyad S. Haidar, Yahye Merhi, Maryam Tabrizian, Modulating the Release Kinetics of Paclitaxel from Membrane-Covered Stents Using Different Loading Strategies, Materials, 1, 1, ISSN: 1996-1944, 2008, 25-43, DOI/URL: 10.3390/ma1010025, ISI, Publicada.

3. Haidar ZS, Azari F, Hamdy RC, Tabrizian M, Modulated release of OP-1 and enhanced preosteoblast differentiation using a core-shell nanoparticulate system, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 91, 3, ISSN: 1552-4965, 2009, 919-928, DOI/URL: 10.1002/jbm.a.32292, ISI, Publicada.

4. Haidar ZS, Tabrizian M, Hamdy RC, A hybrid rhOP-1 delivery system enhances new bone regeneration and consolidation in a rabbit model of distraction osteogenesis, Growth Factors, 28, 1, ISSN: 1029-2292, 2010, 44-55, DOI/URL: 10.3109/08977190903367788, ISI, Publicada.

5. Haidar ZS, Hamdy RC, Tabrizian M, Biocompatibility and safety of a hybrid core-shell nanoparticulate OP-1 delivery system intramuscularly administered in rats, Biomaterials, 31, 10, ISSN: 0142-9612, 2010, 2746-2754, DOI/URL: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.12.034, ISI, Publicada.

6. Haidar ZS, Hamdy RC, Tabrizian M, Delivery of recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration and repair. Part B: Delivery systems for BMPs in orthopaedic and craniofacial tissue engineering, Biotechnology Letters, 31, 12, ISSN: 0141-5492, 2009,1825-1835, DOI/URL: 10.1007/s10529-009-0100-8, ISI, Publicada.

7. Haidar ZS, Hamdy RC, Tabrizian M, Delivery of recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration and repair. Part A: Current challenges in BMP delivery, Biotechnology Letters, 31, 12, ISSN: 0141-5492, 2009, 1817-1824, DOI/URL: 10.1007/s10529-009-0099-x, ISI, Publicada.

8. Haidar ZS, Bio-Inspired/-Functional Colloidal Core-Shell Polymeric-Based NanoSystems: Technology Promise in Tissue Engineering, Bioimaging and NanoMedicine, Polymers, 2, 3, ISSN: 2073-4360, 2010, 323-352, DOI/URL: 10.3390/polym2030323, ISI, Publicada.

9. Al-Salmi, LA, Haidar ZS, Izadpanah, A, Tabrizian, M, Lessard, LM, Hamdy, RC, Wnt signaling is enhanced during new bone regeneration in a mouse model of distraction osteogenesis, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 125, 6, ISSN: 0032-1052, 2010, 130,DOI/URL: 10.1097/01.prs.0000371933.26380.ec, ISI, Publicada. 

10. Victor Joo, Thiruganesh Ramasamy, Ziyad S. Haidar, A Novel Self-Assembled Liposome-Based Polymeric Hydrogel for Cranio-Maxillofacial Applications: Preliminary Findings, Polymers, 3, 2, ISSN: 2073-4360, 2011, 967-974, DOI/URL: 10.3390/polym3020967, Scopus, Publicada.

11. V. S. Joo, T. G. Ramasamy, R. Murugan, Z. S. Haidar, Nanoncology: A State-of-Art Update, Journal of Bionanoscience, 4, 1, ISSN: 1557-7910, 2010, 1-13, DOI/URL: 10.1166/jbns.2010.1034, Scopus, Publicada.

12. SA Samara, ZS Haidar, Re-visiting Edentulism: Complete Removable Dentures vs Implant Overdentures, Journal of Oral Health & Community Dentistry, 5, 3, ISSN: 0973-7316, 2011, 107-109, Scopus, Publicada.

13. Thiru G. Ramasamy, Ziyad S. Haidar, Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly of Polymeric Multi-Layers on Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: A Comparative Study via Dynamic Light Scattering, Transmission Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope and Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation, Journal of Bionanoscience, 5, 2, ISSN: 1557-7910, 2011, 155-161, DOI/URL: 10.1166/jbns.2011.1058, Scopus, Publicada.

14. Cho, Y. N., Brumbach, J. S., Ramalingam, M., Haidar, Z. S., RNAi Therapeutics: Current Status of Nanoncologic siRNA Delivery Systems, Journal of Bionanoscience, 5, 1, ISSN: 1557-7910, 2011, 1-17, DOI/URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jbns.2011.1048, Scopus, Publicada.

15. SA Samara, ZS Haidar, Two-year Sealant Survival in a High Caries Cohort at a Graduate Pedodontic Clinic, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 3, 4, ISSN: 1989-5488, 2011, 289-296, DOI/URL: 10.4317/jced.3.e289, ISI, Publicada.

16. Izadpanah A, Al-Salmi, L, Haidar, Z, Hamdy, R, Lessard, L, Developing a dose-response curve of exogenous OP-1 to accelerate bone formation during distraction osteogenesis, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 125, 6, ISSN: 0032-1052, Editorial: American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2010, 11-, DOI/URL: 10.1097/01.prs.0000371740.16559.de, ISI, Publicada.

17. T. G. Ramasamy, Z. S. Haidar, Alginate-Chitosan versus Chitosan-Alginate Multi-Layered Assembled Systems: In Situ Comparative QCM-D Study, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 2, 1, ISSN: 2157-9083, 2012, 83-88, DOI/URL: 10.1166/jbt.2012.1029, ISI, Publicada.

18. Z.S. Haidar, M. Tabrizian, R.C. Hamdy, Novel localized and release-controlled rhBMP-7/rhOP-1 core- shell nanoparticles accelerate tibial distraction osteogenesis in rabbits, Bone, 44, 1, ISSN: 8756-3282, 2009, 147-, DOI/URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2009.01.321, ISI, Publicada.

19. Thiru G. Ramasamy, Ziyad S. Haidar, Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Evaluation of Novel Core–Shell Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Controlled and Tunable Delivery of a Model Protein, Journal of Bionanoscience, 5, 2, ISSN: 1557-7910, 2011, 143-154, DOI/URL: 10.1166/jbns.2011.1059, Scopus, Publicada.

20. Z.S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian, A novel OP-1 delivery system for the potential acceleration of regenerate formation and consolidation in distraction osteogenesis, Bone, 43, 1, ISSN: 8756-3282, 2008, 51-52, DOI/URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2008.08.038, ISI, Publicada.

21. Ramasamy T, Haidar ZS, Tran TH, Choi JY, Jeong JH, Shin BS, Choi HG, Yong CS, Kim JO, Layer-by-layer assembly of liposomal nanoparticles with PEGylated polyelectrolytes enhances systemic delivery of multiple anticancer drugs, Acta Biomaterialia, 10, 12, ISSN: 1742-7061, 2014, 5116-5127, DOI/URL: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.08.021, ISI, Publicada.

22. C. Jiménez, Z. S. Haidar, RESILON™ Toxic to Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells: A Live/Dead Assay, EC Dental Science, 2, 4, ISSN: ECDE-02-000054, 2015, 337-341, DOI/URL: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/pdf/ECDE-02-000054.pdf, Scopus, Publicada.

23. Lim JY, Chang YH, Han JY, Kim HJ, Haidar ZS, Kim YM, Radioprotective effect of local delivery of bFGF against radiation-induced salivary gland damage, Oral Oncology, 47, 1, ISSN: 1368-8375, Editorial: Elsevier Ltd., 2011, 32-33, DOI/URL: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.06.125, Scopus/ MEDLINE®, Publicada.

24. P. Ibarra, J. Campos, C. Jiménez, Z. S. Haidar, Pannexins In Dentistry: Hype, Hope or Both?, EC Dental Science, 1, 1, ISSN: ECDE-01-000S4, Editorial: Opinion, 2015, 8-9, DOI/URL: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/pdf/ECDE-01-000S4.pdf, Scopus, Publicada.

25. C. L. Jiménez, M. S. Haidar, Z. S. Haidar, Self-Assembling Peptide Nano fibrous Hydrogel Scaffold (Puramatrix™) in Regenerative Endodontics, EC Dental Science, 2, 5, ISSN: ECDE-02-000062, Editorial: DENTAL SCIENCE, 2015, 394-402, DOI/URL: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/pdf/ECDE-02-000062.pdf, Scopus, Publicada.

26. F. Munoz, Z. S. Haidar, The First PAOO (Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics) Certification Course in Latin America – Hosted By the Universidad De Los Andes, Santiago De Chile, EC Dental Science, 3, 1, ISSN: ECDE-03-000069, Editorial: Opinion, 2015, 435-439, DOI/URL: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/dental-science-ECDE-03-000069.php, Scopus, Publicada.

27. Z. S. Haidar, NanoDentistry: Perspectives on the Role of NanoBiotechnology in Biomaterials, Pharmaceutics and BioDental Tissue Engineering, EC Dental Science, 3, 2, ISSN: ECDE-03-000080, Editorial: Editorial: Dental Science, 2015, 506-507, DOI/URL:https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/pdf/ECDE-03-000080.pdf, Scopus, Publicada.

28. C. L. Jiménez, C. G. Melandri, Z. S. Haidar, Osseo Regeneration of the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oro-Dento-Alveolar Complexes Using a Novel Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofibrous Hydrogel Scaffold and Its Composites, EC Dental Science, 3, 4, ISSN: ECDE-03-000090, Editorial: DENTAL SCIENCE, 2015, 568-579, DOI/URL: https://www.ecronicon.com/ecde/pdf/ECDE-03-000090.pdf, Scopus, Publicada.

29. Campos J, Jiménez C, Trigo C, Ibarra P, Rana D, Ramasamy T, Ramalingam M, Haidar ZS, Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring: A Powerful Tool for BioNanoScience and Drug Discovery, Journal of Bionanoscience, 9, 4, 2015, 249-260, DOI/URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jbns.2015.1310, ISI, Publicada.

30. Thiruganesh Ramasamy, Jong Oh Kim, Chul Soon Yong, Kandasamy Umadevi, Deepti Rana, Constanza Jiménez, Javier Camposa, Murugan Ramalingam, Ziyad S. Haidar, Novel Core–Shell Nanocapsules for the Tunable Delivery of Bioactive rhEGF: Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Studies, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 5, 9, 2015, 730-743, DOI/URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jbt.2015.1385, ISI, Publicada.

31. Munoz F, Jiménez C, Espinoza D, Vervelle A, Vervelle A, Beugnet J, Haidar Z, Use of leukocyte and platelet-rich fibrin (LPRF) in periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO): Clinical effects on edema and pain, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 8, 2, ISSN: 1989-5488, 2016, 119-124, DOI/URL: 10.4317/jced.52760, PubMed, Publicada.

32. Fernández A, Fernández J, Marshall M, Martínez R, Niklander S, Haidar ZS. Difference in EGFR expression and mean vascular density in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Res, 6(2): 39-45. 2017, doi:10.17126/joralres.2017.016, Scopus, Publicada.

33. Natalia Santibáñez, Alejandra Fernández, Javier Fernández, René Martínez, Juan Pablo Fawaz, Ziyad S. Haidar. Immunoexpression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial displasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Oral Morphology, 2017, ISI, In Press.

34. Rana D, Keerthana R, Leena M, Jiménez C, Campos J, Ibarra P, Haidar ZS, Ramalingam M, Surface functionalization of nanobiomaterials for application in stem cell culture, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Biotechnology Progress, 32, 3, 2016, 554-67, DOI/URL:10.1002/btpr.2262, ISI, Publicada.

35. Campos J, Varas-Godoy M, Haidar ZS. Physicochemical characterization of chitosan-hyaluronan-coated solid lipid nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of paclitaxel: a proof-of-concept study in breast cancer cells. Nanomedicine. 2017 Mar;12(5):473-490. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2016-0371, ISI, Publicada.

PARTICIPACIÓN EN CONFERENCIAS (Selected Conference Proceedings, National)

Andrade C, Trigo C, Pinto N, Haidar ZS. “FRESH Vs. LYOPHILIZED L-PRF (LEUKOCYTE-PLATELET RICH FIBRIN): ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES”; 1st European Meeting on Enhanced Natural Healing in Dentistry, October 14, 2016 – October 16, 2016, Auditorium Pieter De Somere, Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Belgium. 

Trigo CA, Andrade C, Campos JI, Haidar ZS. (ARE STATINS TOXIC? A “DENTISTRY” PERSPECTIVE); #116; XXVIII Reunión Anual de IADR División Chile, 8 y 9 de Agosto, en el Campus Huechuraba de la Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile.

Ibarra P, Fernández AC, Campos JI, Haidar ZS. (Polymer-modified Copper Nanoparticles: Therapeutic Potential for Clinical Application); #172; XXVIII Reunión Anual de IADR División Chile, 8 y 9 de Agosto, en el Campus Huechuraba de la Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile.

Kernitsky JR, Campos JI, Fernández AC, Trigo CA, Haidar ZS. (Atorvastatin and Periodontitis: Exploring T lymphocytes); #189; XXVIII Reunión Anual de IADR División Chile, 8 y 9 de Agosto, en el Campus Huechuraba de la Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile.


CORFO: Innovación Empresarial, de InnovaChile. (2016-2018) Director UANDES Ziyad Haidar. “Producto Tópico Dental en Base a Nanopartículas y Estatinas para Tratamiento de Enfermedades Periodontales”. N° 15COTE-46286. 

CORFO: Innova Proyecto I+D Aplicada línea 2 (2014-2017) Investigador Ziyad Haidar. “Desarrollo de una Innovadora estrategia terapéutica basada en la utilización de un nuevo producto celular para la regeneración de pulpa dentaria humana”. N° 14IDL2-30051.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento Institucional (2015-2017) I: Concurso Estadías de investigación: Collaboration between Ziyad Haidar and Mario Cantin “Collaboration in Health, Medical and Dental Research, Development and Innovation (RDI): a practical means for strengthening and advancing the UANDES – UFRO ODO”.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento Institucional (2016-2018) II. Director Ziyad Haidar. “Formulation of a Novel Localized, Biodegradable, Thermo-Responsive and Injectable Hydrogel for Dental Extraction Socket Preservation and Alveolar Osteitis Prevention – Towards a new Era of Guided Bone and Tissue Regeneration”.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento Institucional III (2015-2018). Director Ziyad Haidar “Development and Performance Verification of a Device Prototype for the Non-Invasive Removal of Failed and Non-Mobile Osseointegrated Titanium Dental Implants via a Combination of Thermal Energy and Ultrasonic Vibration”.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento Institucional IV. (2016-2018) Director Ziyad Haidar. “The Development and Validation of Novel Nanocapsules (nano-vaccine) for the Targeted (via surface modification with Eα, an immuno-dominant peptide) and Dose-/Time-Controlled (Core-Shell) Delivery of Rapamycin (inhibitor of mTOR Complex 1) and TLR4 Ligand (monophosphoryl lipid A; MPLA) into Dendritic Cells (DCs) for the Detection and Prevention of Autophagy-associated Transplant Rejection”.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento institucional V concurso Estadías de Investigación (2016-2018). Director Ziyad Haidar. “Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell (hUCMSCs) seeding on modified calcium phosphate ceramics (CPC) as novel Bioscaffolds fon bone tissue engineering in critical-sized cranial defects: Rapid Technology Transfer from IBBME-UoT and TRT Inc, Canada to BioMAT´X- UANDES, Chile.

Fondos de Ayuda a la Investigación FAI (2015-2017) I. Director Ziyad Haidar “Histomorphometric Analysis of a Novel Bio-Engineered Graft Scaffold with Human Gingiva-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Full-Thickness Soft Tissue Regeneration”.

Fondos de Ayuda a la Investigación FAI II (Segundo Semestre 2016). Director Ziyad Haidar. Apoyo venida profesor extranjero “visiting professor from Japan/India to UANDES”. 

Segundo Concurso Inicia Tu Idea 2016-2017 (Universidad de los Andes – Universidad de La Frontera) “Desarrollo de un hidrogel termo-responsivo para preservación alveolar, regeneración ósea y prevención de la incidencia de alveolitis post-extracción dentaria”. Director Ziyad Haidar/Co-Director Sergio Olate.

FONDEF-CONICYT Primer Concurso IDeA en dos etapas temático en adulto mayor 2016 (2017-2019) Director Ziyad Haidar. “OroAid3: A Novel Mouth-Dissolving Palliative Device for Oral Health Maintenance in the Elderly Adult”. ID235817.

FONDEF-CONICYT Primer Concurso IDeA en dos etapas temático en adulto mayor 2016 (2017-2019) Director Alterno Ziyad Haidar. “Uso de fitonutrientes en el mejoramiento funcional de células madres mesenquimales afectadas por envejecimiento”. IDI2016003.

FONDEF-CONICYT Programa IDeA III Concurso IDeA en dos etapas 2016 (2017-2019) Director Ziyad Haidar / Director Alterno Sergio Olate. “Efecto Radioprotector de un Novedoso Sistema Inyectable de Dosis Graduable para la Administración de un Factor de Crecimiento Dual contra el Daño y Deterioro de Glándulas Salivales tras la Irradiación Gamma en la Región Cabeza y Cuello”. ID16I10366.


1. SockGEL: A natural nanoGEL for Dental Extraction Socket Preservation and Dry Socket Prevention.
2. nanoVAX: Novel Peptide-tagged Nanoparticles for Detection and Prevention of Transplant Rejection.
3. X’PLANT 3Ss (Combi-HEAD): Combinatorial Instrument/Device for the Safe and Sound Retrieval of Failed/Osseointegrated Dental Implants – Co-inventor: Dr. Ramon B. Silva.
4. X’PLANT 3Ss (Combi-TiP): Combinatorial Instrument/Device for the Safe and Sound Retrieval of Failed/Osseointegrated Dental Implants.
5. X’PLANT 3Ss (Combi-POWER): Combinatorial Instrument/Device for the Safe and Sound Retrieval of Failed/Osseointegrated Dental Implants.
6. PPTiP: Simplified Tool/Instrument for Use in Clinical Periodontology – Co-inventor: Dra. Constanza Jiménez.
7. nanoPRF: Bioactive, Controlled, Sterilizable, Storable and Predictable L-PRF as Novel Bio-inspired Scaffolds for Complex BioDental Tissue Engineering.
8. BioFLOSS: Copper-incorporated Coatings for Dental Floss – Co-inventor: Dra. Constanza Jiménez.
9. puraBONOVO: A Novel Bio-enhanced Osseoregenerative Scaffolding Biomaterial.
10. OroAid1: Intra-Oral Bucco-/Muco-Adhesive Membranes
11. OroAid2: Multi-compartmental Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembled Thin-Films for Smart Drug Delivery Applications
12. OroAid3: A Novel Denture-base Direct Re-lining and Re-Basing Material with Improved Adhesive Properties.
13. CSCu NCs: Core-Shell Copper-based NanoCapsules for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications.
14. StatiFIX: Application of nanotechnology in advanced dental materials: Dental Filling and Restorative Materials – Co-inventors: Dra. Camila Sampaio and Dr. Cristián Bravo.
15. DentaFIX: Application of nanotechnology in advanced dental materials: Dental Composites and in-office bleaching agents – Co-inventor: Dr. Eduardo Fernández.
16. Coco NPs: Core-Shell Coconut Oil-based NanoCapsules for Pharmaceutical Delivery Applications – Co-inventor: Dra. Alejandra Fernández.
17. PAN’X: A “LIVE TOOTH” Ex-vivo Model for Use in Orofacial Pain Research.
18. Exo-Load: Novel Technique/Protocol for Modification of Exosomes (and Extracellular Vesicles) and Use as BioActive Therapeutic Agent Delivery Systems – Co-inventor: Dr. Maroun Khoury.
19. Exo-DDS: BioActive and Targeted Exo-based Therapeutic Agent Delivery Systems – Co-inventor: Dr. Maroun Khoury.
20. BMMSCs: Use of Phytonutrient-based nanoBiomaterials in the functional improvement of mesenchymal stem cells affected by aging – Co-inventor: Dr. Nelson Osses.
21. IMAG’n: A Software add-on (algorithm) allowing in-depth analysis of biomaterial quality (structural/mechanical) facilitating the prediction of clinical outcome upon application thereby minimizing outcome variability – Co-inventor: Dr. José Delpiano.
22. SGR: Novel Dual-Drug Delivery System for RadioProtection Against Salivary Gland Damage in (Irradiated) Head and Neck Cancer Patients.