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Títulos o grados académicos
• Doctor en Ciencias del Ejercicio Implicadas en el Progreso Deportivo del Ser Humano, Universidad de Córdova, España.
• Médico Cirujano, Universidad de Chile.
Asignaturas que imparte
Oxygen Saturation Curve Analysis in 2298 Hypoxia Awareness Training Tests of Military Aircrew Members in a Hypobaric Chamber
An Igor Pro 8.01 Procedure to Analyze Pulse Oximetry during Acute Hypoxia Test in Aircrews
Average and Interindividual Effects to a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program
Chile-Italy a Historicist View of Pandemics and Epidemics: ¿What are the Lessons we Must Learn? A Scoping Review Article
Monitoring Changes in Oxygen Muscle during Exercise with High-Flow Nasal Cannula Using Wearable NIRS Biosensors