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Vicedecano Académico
Profesor asociado
• Doctor en Ingeniería Estructural, Universidad de California, San Diego, Estados Unidos.
• Magíster en Ingeniería Sísmica, Universidad de Chile.
• Ingeniero Civil mención Estructuras, Construcción, y Geotecnia, Universidad de Chile.
Asignaturas o cátedras que imparte
Analysis of fuel storage tanks under internal deflagrations with different venting technologies: an experimental and numerical study
Implementation of Bayesian Model Updating in Five-Story Building Using Different Observations
Linear system identification of the UC San Diego Geisel Library building under ambient vibration
A simplified tri-linear model for monolithic exterior shear keys failing in sliding shear
Autonomous Sensor System for Low-Capacity Wind Turbine Blade Vibration Measurement
Chilean researchers create innovative monitoring system to predict damage to wind turbines
Science Villarrica Volcano, San Ramon Fault and seismic swarms: Do these phenomena have a common pattern?
Science Earthquake in Lonquimay is the worst in three years in Chile: what are the chances of a big earthquake?