Relevant projects
- “Transport Alliance Base on Laboratory Experiments (TABLE)” | Fondo deApoyo a la Formación de Redes Internacionales entre Centros deInvestigación 2019, CONICYT | 2019-2021. Seriani, S. (principal researcher),Delpiano, J. (coresearcher), Fernández, R., (coresearcher), Delpiano, R.(coresearcher), Boltes, M. (foreign researcher), Fujiyama, T. (foreignresearcher).
- “DetPax: Passenger Detector on Metro Station Platforms | Fondo de Ayudaa la Innovación, Universidad de los Andes | 2019. Seriani, S. (principalresearcher), Delpiano, J. (coresearcher).
- “Using data from Bluetooth scanners to obtain traffic information” |FONDECYT Regular 2016, CONICYT | 2016-2018. Herrera, J.C. (principalresearcher), Raveau, S. (coresearcher), Delpiano, R. (coresearcher).
- “Simulation research for traffic management guidelines of bus infrastructurein developing countries” | FONDECYT Regular 2012, CONICYT | 2012-2014.Fernández, R. (principal researcher), Valencia, A. (coresearcher), Seriani, S.(coresearcher).
- “Autonomous Pedestrian Detection”. | FONDECYT Regular 2012, CONICYT |2012-2014. Zegers, P. (principal researcher), Fernández, R. (coresearcher).
Human Dynamics Laboratory (LDH in Spanish)
The objective of the Human Dynamics Laboratory (LDH in Spanish) is to provideguidelines for the design of public transport vehicles, the design of bus / metrostations, and the management of passengers in public transport systems. It consistsof a real-scale model of a public transport vehicle and its adjacent platform. Videocameras and image processing are used to study passenger behaviour. Thisinstallation is one of a kind in Chile and one of the few that exists in the world. TheLDH is open for own research with thesis students of our faculty as well as to behired by government agencies, transport operators and engineering consulting.
- Protocols of experiments (download in Spanish)
- Picture of LDH
- Location map
PrincipRelevant studies carried out in the LDH
Research topic | Paper or study document | Picture, video or news |
Passenger detector on subway station platforms | DetPax – Density Detector on MetroStation Platforms. Principal researcher:Sebastian Seriani. Coresearcher: JoseDelpiano. Fondo de Ayuda a la Innovación(Universidad de los Andes, Chile). (download in Spanish) | • • |
Yellow line on the train- platform interface | Blanche, V., Seriani, S., Cruzatt, G. (2019).Passenger management and accessibility inthe train-platform interface in metrostations. Presented in XIX CongresoChileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, 7 – 9Octubre, Santiago de Chile. (download in Spanish) | • |
Density ofpassengers onplatforms andpublictransportvehicles | Fernández, R., Martabid, A. (2019). Howpassenger density affects loading andunloading times of public transport. Anexperimental study. Presented in XIXCongreso Chileno de Ingeniería deTransporte, 7 – 9 Octubre, Santiago deChile. (download in Spanish) | • |
Horizontaland verticalgap betweenthe platformand the train | Fernández, R., Seriani., S., Saitua, S. (2017).Experiences in the laboratory for thedesign of the vehicle-platform interface inpublic transport stations. Revista deIngeniería de Transporte, 21(1), 45-58. (download in Spanish) | • • |
Passengermanagementin subwaystations | Seriani, S., Fernandez, R. (2015). Pedestriantraffic management of boarding andalighting in metro stations. Transportationresearch part C: emerging technologies, 53, 76-92 (download in Spanish) | • |
Door capacityof a publictransportvehicle | Fernandez, R., Valencia, A., Seriani, S. (2015). On passenger saturation flow in public transport doors. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, 102-112.(download in Spanish) | • |